Nicole Semenchuk, Archives & Digital Collections Specialist
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Alejandro, Reynaldo. Classic Menu Design, from the Collection of the New York Public Library. Glen Cove, N.Y.: PBC International, 1988.
Clarkson, Janet. Menus from History: Historic Meals and Recipes for Every Day of the Year. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood Press, 2009. 2 volumes.
Freedman, Paul. “American Restaurants and Cuisine in the Mid-Nineteenth Century.” The New England Quarterly LXXXIV.1 (March 2011): 5-59.
Freedman, Paul. “The Rhetoric of American Restaurant Menus and the Use of French.” Food and Language: Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery 2009. Ed. Richard Hosking. Devon, England: Prospect Books, 2010. p.129-136.
Greenstein, Lou. A la carte: A Tour of Dining History. Glen Cove, N.Y.: PBC International, 1992.
Heimann, Jim. May I Take Your Order?: American Menu Design, 1920-1960. San Francisco, Chronicle Books, 1998.
Heimann, Jim (ed.), Steven Heller, and John Mariani. Menu Design in America: a Visual and Culinary History of Graphic Styles and Design, 1850-1985. Köln: Taschen, 2011.
Humes, Michele. “Feeding the Kiddie: A Brief History of the Children’s Menu.” Slate. Aug. 7, 2013. Web. (link)
Menus Historiques. Den Haag: Osmar, n.d.
Schinto, Jeanne. “A Taste for Menus: Henry Voight Touches History.” Gastronomica 5:4 Fall 2005: 73-79.
Smith, Jake. Eating with Emperors: 150 Years of Dining with Emperors, Kings, and Queens - and the Occasional Maharajah. Carlton, Vic.: Miegunyah Press, 2009.
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