Works Cited Page
Put your list of works cited on a separate page at the end of your paper.
The title Works Cited should be centered at the top; do NOT italicize, put in BOLD or use quotation marks.
A Book
Basic format: Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Publisher, Publication Date.
Example: Sackett, Lou, and David Haynes. American Regional Cuisines: Food Culture and Cooking. Pearson, 2012.
An Article in a Scholarly Journal from an Online Database
Basic format: Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Journal, Volume, Issue Number, Year, pages. Name of Database, doi or url. Accessed date.
Example: Driver, Elizabeth. "Cookbooks as Primary Sources for Writing History: a Bibliographer's View." Food, Culture & Society, vol. 12, no. 3, 2009, pp. 257-274. General OneFile, doi:10.2752/175174409X431987. Accessed 3 May 2016.
In-Text Citations
Parenthetical Citation: Put a reference to the work cited in parentheses after a quote or paraphrase. The in-text citation appears at the end of the sentence and before the period.
Author-page style: put the author's last name and the page number(s) in the text and a complete reference on your Works Cited page. The author's name may be in the sentence or in parentheses; the page number(s) must be in the parentheses.
Basic Format: “Quote” or paraphrase (Author’s last name page #).
Example: “Cookbooks are tangible, printed records that illuminate many aspects of the past; however, to interpret accurately what they tell us about their time, I believe that it is important to keep the books themselves at the center of the story" (Driver 258).
Quick Guides from MLA website:
More Citation Resources:
Check with your instructor if it is acceptable to use AI tools as an information source or as a writing assistant.
If you use an AI tool, such as, ChatGPT, you must cite it as any other source.
Suggested Format: "Title of conversation." Name of AI Source, date, url.
Example: "Slice or scoop cookies." ChatGPT, 13 July 2023,
MLA Stye Handbook Format:
MLA format | “Text of prompt” prompt. ChatGPT, Day Month version, OpenAI, Day Month Year, |
MLA Works Cited entry | “Tell me about confirmation bias” prompt. ChatGPT, 13 Feb. version, OpenAI, 16 Feb. 2023, |
MLA in-text citation | (“Tell me about”) |
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