Nicole Semenchuk, Archives & Digital Collections Specialist
Click here to make an appointment (students only)
We may print relevant images to use onsite in the exhibit. Please find your images from reputable sources. These links lead to a wealth of information. Please bring your questions about images to your meeting with Nicole to ask questions about finding images for the exhibit.
Please keep track of the source of the image, which must be identifiable. You will need to send Nicole the link and source (see Printing Images section).
Museum and Archives Collections (U.S.)
Museum and Archives Collections (non-U.S.)
Use these links to find digitized primary sources for your research. You will find many digitized books that were pulished before 1923 because they are in the public domain. You find less and less as they get more recent because there are copyright restrictions to putting content online. For 20th century books, be sure to also use the library's collections by searching Omnivore.
For help finding other primary sources (documents, books, etc.), refer to primary source guide or make an appointment to meet with Sonia.
When you meet with Nicole, you can look at rare books and historical recipe pamphlets in addition to menus and artifacts.
Cookbooks, etc.
Recipe/Advertising pamphlets
1. Send Nicole the image citation with URL to have image printed ( OR use this form)
2. See label instructions for making labels for images - you MUST include the source of the image (museum, website, etc.) on your label.
3. When sending the citation to Nicole, indicate which size you would like each image printed as
4. Check resolution of image. Desired size for quality printing is 1000 ppi on the longest side of the image. If image is only 500 ppi, then you will need to print it smaller than 8 ½ x 11. For 11 x 17 prints, images should be larger than 1,000 ppi. Ask Nicole if you are not sure.
5. If your images are not sent to Nicole by the deadline, you are responsible for printing your images at your own expense. If they are of poor quality, you will not be allowed to display them.
The Culinary Institute of America | Conrad N. Hilton Library | 1946 Campus Drive | Hyde Park, NY 12538-1430
Telephone: 845-451-1747 | Email: