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Professionalism & Life Skills (FRSH-100): Scholarly vs. Non-Scholarly Periodicals

Introduction to using the Library for the FRSH-100 class.

Types of Periodicals

Always check with your instructor for which types of articles are acceptable for your coursework.

  • Scholarly Journals are also referred to as "academic" or "peer-reviewed" journals. They publish authoritative research articles by academics or experts in a discipline. The articles often undergo peer-review, which means they are evaluated by other experts before approved for publication.
  • Trade or Professional Journals are written by and for professionals in an industry. These are important for members of the profession to follow industry news and trends. They may contain data or other information useful for research.
  • Magazines are considered "popular"; they provide information and entertainment for the general public.

Review the chart below for criteria to distinguish the different types of periodicals.

VIDEO ~ Searching for Books

The Culinary Institute of America | Conrad N. Hilton Library | 1946 Campus Drive | Hyde Park, NY 12538-1430
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