Omnivore ArticleSearch
A scholarly journal publishes authoritative research articles by academics or experts in a discipline.
The articles often undergo peer-review, that is they are evaluated by other experts before publication.
For more on the different types of periodicals see this chart:
Scholarly Journals v. Popular Magazines v. Trade Journals
Covers scholarly research and industry news relating to all areas of hospitality and tourism. This collection contains more than 828,000 records, with coverage dating as far back as 1965. There is full text for more than 490 publications, including periodicals, company & country reports, and books.
Provides access to scholarly journals, magazines, and trade publications that cover topics including the cultural and economic aspects of travel and tourism. The database offers coverage of both the historical and current state of affairs in the hospitality and tourism industries. From NOVELNY.
Explore the world's companies through expert analysis such as SWOT analyses, financial statements, case studies and articles from academic journals, trade magazines, news outlets and more.
Includes company histories and industry essays, scholarly journals, business news, and more
ProQuest Central Essentials provides comprehensive, full-text, periodical coverage from 12 complete ProQuest databases, including Research Library and US Newsstream.
These curated databases are focused on science, technology, business, health, religion, arts, literature, humanities, social sciences, and education. The top national and regional US newspapers and newswires are available alongside academic and professional journals, consumer magazines, blogs, and reports. Each of the 12 databases may be searched together or separately.
If the article you need is not available in full-text from the CIA Library, you can request it via Interlibrary Loan (ILL), a free service for CIA students, faculty and staff. Learn more about ILL.
Use Omnivore ArticleSearch to discover articles; click the button and fill out the form (screenshot)
Searching is a process, you will try one search, evaluate your results, modify your strategy and try again.
Advanced Search Tips
Phrase Searches
Search for complete phrases by enclosing them in quotation marks. Words enclosed in double quotes will appear together in all results exactly as typed, e.g. "culinary science", "fast casual"
Wildcards *
The asterisk ('*') matches non-space characters, starting at the specified position in the word. For example, "farm*" will match "farm", "farmer", "farmed", "farming", "farmworker", "farmhouse", etc.
Boolean Operators
Use AND or OR to specify multiple words in any field, any order. Use AND NOT to exclude words.
Library Databases for Articles, EBooks and more can be accessed off-campus by CIA students, staff and faculty from anywhere in the world with an internet connection!
Sign in to Omnivore or select a database, then enter your CIA username and password (the same login id that you use for email, MainMenu, Moodle. etc.)
NOVELNY databases can be accessed from anywhere within New York State.
The Culinary Institute of America | Conrad N. Hilton Library | 1946 Campus Drive | Hyde Park, NY 12538-1430
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