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Library Resources for International Students

This guide will help you navigate our library website and learn about all the resources we offer.

Most popular words used in the Library

Library Vocabulary

The following are some of popular words used in libraries, by the ACRL.

Abstract: An abstract is a concise, brief summary or description of a journal article or book. Academic articles usually have an abstract on the first page, before the main text of the article. 

Archives: Archives are collections of historical or public records such as personal letters, institutional papers, photographs, menus, etc. Learn more about the Archives, here.

Call Number: A call number is a group of letters and/or numbers that identifies a specific item in a library, and it organizes library materials. Our Library's book stacks are organized by the Library of Congress Classification. Call numbers are located on the spine of a book. You need the call number of an item in order to find the item on the shelf.

Check Out: To "check out" means to borrow material from the library for a certain period of time.

Help Desk: The Help Desk is where you check out or return library materials and to pick up Interlibrary Loan materials (books from other libraries). 

Citation: A citation is a reference to a book, magazine or journal article that contains all the information needed to identify and locate that work. A citation includes its author's name, title, publisher, place of publication, and date of publication. 

Course Reserves: These are books and other materials that faculty members place "on reserve" at the library for students to use. These materials cannot leave the library but must be checked out before using it. Reserve materials are kept behind the Help Desk.

Database: A database is a digital collection of information that is organized so it can be easily searched and accessed. Our databases contain articles, images, recipes, and more. 

Due Date: Due date is the date on which library materials on loan should be returned or renewed.

Full Text: The "Full Text" descriptor indicates there is a complete electronic copy of a resource, typically a journal article that can be viewed, downloaded, and/or printed from a computer. 

Peer-Reviewed -  A peer-reviewed article is a research article that is evaluated by other experts in the field before its publication. 

Reference Desk – It is the place you go to ask all your questions about the library or when you need help with papers and research.

Renew/Renewal: To renew a library book means to extend its loan period. Books from Hilton Library can be renewed two times. Each renewal is for four weeks.

Stacks: At Hilton Library, stacks refer to the areas where books are shelved and stored. Our Library has "open stacks," which means that library users can go to the shelves themselves to find books and browse. With the exception of our Reserve Collection, that you will need to ask a librarian or staff member to retrieve the books for you, you can browse the books on your own.

For a more complete list, check the link bellow:

The Culinary Institute of America | Conrad N. Hilton Library | 1946 Campus Drive | Hyde Park, NY 12538-1430
Telephone: 845-451-1747 | Email: