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Library Resources for International Students

This guide will help you navigate our library website and learn about all the resources we offer.

How to borrow Books and Articles

Borrowing a Book

To borrow a physical book you will need to bring your library card to the Library Help Desk on the main floor. 

To borrow an electronic book (Ebook) you just need to Sign In to your account.

You can keep the books for 4 weeks. To renew it, just go to the library or sign in to your account. 

Important Note: If you are requesting a book from another library, it will typically take up to 2 weeks for it to arrive here. 


Borrowing an Article

To borrow an article, you just need to Sign In to your account and click on view full text on the right side of your screen, after you have found your article. 

Important Note: If you are requesting an article from another library, it will take between 24-48 hours to receive it by email. 

If you want more information about our Books and Ebooks, click here to check out our complete guide.

Textbooks in Library Reserve Collection

The CIA library has a selection of books and materials that instructors ask students to read or view for a particular course. This material can be borrowed as many time as you need, but it has to remain in the library building. 

Following you can find more information about this collection.

The Culinary Institute of America | Conrad N. Hilton Library | 1946 Campus Drive | Hyde Park, NY 12538-1430
Telephone: 845-451-1747 | Email: