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Library Resources for International Students

This guide will help you navigate our library website and learn about all the resources we offer.

Conrad N. Hilton Library, Library Learning Commons & Testing Center

Main entrance - 3rd Floor

Help Desk

Reading Room

Study space, Book Displays, and Print Periodicals 

Reference and Research Support Desk

Computers, Reference Collection, and Archives

Reserve a Study Room

Do you have a group project and need a place where you can meet with your peers?

Our Library offers two study rooms, located on the 4th floor. They are available for you to book during the library operation hours. Click here to make your reservation. 

Printing & Scanning

Do you need to print any documents or images?

There are a few printers around campus. One of them is located on the 3th floor of the library. If you need help finding it, ask a library assistant at the help desk.

How to print:

First thing you need to know is: you will need Culinary Cash to pay for your prints. You can add funds to your Culinary Cash account on the CIA Main Menu, using the GET app, or by visiting the SFRS window on the 2nd floor of the Admissions Center. 

You may print a document by sending an attachment in an email to You can also use the PrintMe service to print from any computer on campus. Click here for a complete instruction in how to print on campus. 


The library provides one scanner in one of our computers on the main floor. Just ask a library assistant to help you locate it. 

Newspaper Digital Access

Click here to create an account.

Library Cafe


Library Snacks and Beverages

Located at the Library Help Desk.


Use your Green Points,
Gold Points, or
Culinary Cash.


International Book Display

Check out our International Book Display

Upcoming Workshops and Events

The Culinary Institute of America | Conrad N. Hilton Library | 1946 Campus Drive | Hyde Park, NY 12538-1430
Telephone: 845-451-1747 | Email: