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It reflects the interdisciplinary nature of this growing subject, making it an essential resource for students and scholars studying food, on courses as wide-ranging as history, sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, human geography, sustainability, agriculture, culinary arts, literary studies, political science, and development studies.
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A growing collection of scholarly, reference and professional eBooks in culinary studies and more. Access online--anywhere, anytime.
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Encyclopedia entries provide introductions and background information for a wide range of food science topics.
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Search across 5 news databases: Black Newspapers, National Newspapers Premier, US Newsstream, New York Times, and Wall Street Journal
ProQuest Central Essentials provides comprehensive, full-text, periodical coverage from 12 complete ProQuest databases, including Research Library and US Newsstream.
These curated databases are focused on science, technology, business, health, religion, arts, literature, humanities, social sciences, and education. The top national and regional US newspapers and newswires are available alongside academic and professional journals, consumer magazines, blogs, and reports. Each of the 12 databases may be searched together or separately.
Discover authoritative scientific, technical and health publications. This database includes the Hospitality journals: International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. The journal Food Policy and A reference collection in Food Science covers topics including food security, sustainability, food systems, agriculture, nutrition, safety and microbiology, dairy, meat and grain science.
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