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Omnivore ArticleSearch
Find Full-Text Journals
The collection features thousands of full-text journals, dissertations, working papers, and key business and economics periodicals such as The Economist and Sloan Management Review. It also contains company/country/industry-focused reports, and major news sources like the Wall Street Journal. Its international coverage gives researchers a complete picture of companies and business trends around the world.
ABI/INFORM Complete includes full‐text scholarly & professional journals, business press, key trade publications, conference proceedings, and market reports.
Comprises ABI/INFORM Global, Dateline, Trade & Industry, and the ABI/INFORM Archive of many of the most important business journals of the last century.
Subject coverage: Economic conditions, Corporate strategies, Management theory & techniques, trends, Competitive landscape and product information, Finance and more.
ProQuest Central Essentials provides comprehensive, full-text, periodical coverage from 12 complete ProQuest databases, including Research Library and US Newsstream.
These curated databases are focused on science, technology, business, health, religion, arts, literature, humanities, social sciences, and education. The top national and regional US newspapers and newswires are available alongside academic and professional journals, consumer magazines, blogs, and reports. Each of the 12 databases may be searched together or separately.
Searching is a process, you will try one search, evaluate your results, modify your strategy and try again.
Start with simple keyword searching
Use the Database Options to Refine or Limit and narrow your search
LIMITS include;
Evaluate an article by reading the Abstract or summary.
Review your results to identify concepts & terminology that can help improve your search results.
Look at Subject Headings & Descriptors, standard vocabulary terms that describe the contents of articles
Use the Advanced Search screen to mix and match keywords and subjects and more.
Advanced Search Tips
Phrase Searches
Search for complete phrases by enclosing them in quotation marks. Words enclosed in double quotes will appear together in all results exactly as typed, e.g. "culinary science"
Truncation & Wildcards *
The asterisk ('*') matches non-space characters, starting at the specified position in the word. For example, "inter*" will match "internal","internet", "international".
Boolean Operators
Use AND or OR to specify multiple words in any field, any order. Use AND NOT to exclude words.
Use the Database Tools to Email, Save & Cite articles.
The Culinary Institute of America | Conrad N. Hilton Library | 1946 Campus Drive | Hyde Park, NY 12538-1430
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