Confirm that an article in a peer-reviewed journal is a Research article
Limiting your search results to articles published in peer reviewed scholarly journals is the first step.
Scholarly Journals include other types of documents, such as essays, literature reviews, book reviews, commentary, letters to the editor, announcements, etc. So...
How do I know if it is an actual research article?
A research article reports the original work of a scholar and will present evidence and conclusions.
Read the Abstract (summary of the article) or Introduction (first paragraph) to identify the type of article and the topics covered.
A research article must have:
How to Identify a Scientific Research Study
Look at the structure of the article; most articles that report results of a research study use a standard format:
1. Select Peer-Reviewed or Scholarly when you search
Omnivore ArticleSearch, and most databases, have a button to check when you search or limit/filter your search results.
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2. Confirm that it is a Research Article
Limiting your search results to articles published in peer reviewed scholarly journals is the first step.
Scholarly Journals include other types of documents, such as essays, literature reviews, book reviews, commentary, letters to the editor, announcements, etc. So...
How do I know if it is a research article?
A research article reports the original work of a scholar and will present evidence and conclusions.
Read the Abstract (summary of the article) or Introduction (first paragraph) to identify the type of article and the topics covered.
A research article must have:
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