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Library & Research Overview

A guide to using the CIA Library and conducting basic academic research.


Welcome to the Library’s Research Guide! This guide is designed to help you navigate the resources and tools available to support your academic work. Whether you are just getting started or need help refining your research, this guide provides step-by-step instructions, tips, and useful links to make your research process easier and more efficient.

Our librarians are here to assist you, Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 5pm, so don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions. You can walk in with your questions, email us, or make an appointment if you think your questions need longer attention. 

We are looking forward to helping you succeed in your academic journey!

What is Omnivore OneSearch?

Omnivore is a search engine for library resources. With one search box, it searches across the CIA Library's book and ebook collections, article databases, media and more. Omnivore uses WorldCat Discovery from OCLC (a global library cooperative). WorldCat Discovery search helps you find materials in many different resources and directs you to the optimal resources for your research. Plus, you can expand your search beyond the CIA Library and find information about books and other materials in libraries worldwide.

More Features:

  • A to Z Journal Finder - browse or search to find journals with full-text
  • OpenURL Link Resolver - what?! Simply put, a link to full-text from one database to another
  • Google Scholar - links from Google to full-text in CIA Library databases (off-campus set-up)
  • Streamlined Interlibrary Loan- click a button to send a request for books or articles
  • Access to My Library Account - View your checkouts, renew, place holds and request recalls

For more information, Go to the Omnivore Help Guide

The Culinary Institute of America | Conrad N. Hilton Library | 1946 Campus Drive | Hyde Park, NY 12538-1430
Telephone: 845-451-1747 | Email: