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Library & Research Overview

A guide to using the CIA Library and conducting basic academic research.

Periodicals: Journals & Magazines

What are Periodicals? What is a Scholarly or Trade Journal? What is Peer-Review?

Periodicals are any published materials that come out periodically, that is on a regular basis, daily, weekly, monthly, etc.

These include newspapers, magazines, trade and professional journals, and scholarly research journals.

The articles in periodicals can be located by searching online Databases that are subscribed to by the Library. Many of these databases include the full-text of articles. 


Types of Periodicals

  • Academic Journals are also referred to as "scholarly" or "peer-reviewed" journals. They publish authoritative research articles by academics or experts in a discipline. The articles often undergo peer-review, which means they are evaluated by other experts before approved for publication.
  • Trade or Professional Journals are written by and for professionals in an industry but are not strictly research related.  These are very important for members of the profession in order to keep up with industry news and trends. They may contain data or other information useful for research.
  • Magazines are considered "popular"; the articles provide information and entertainment for the general public.


Always check with your instructor for which types of articles are acceptable for your coursework.


Scholarly Journal Popular Magazine Trade Magazine/Journal
Sample Cover Journal of Food Science and Technology Bon Appetit Food Management


Plain cover and plain paper

B/W graphics and illustrations, charts, etc.

Pages consecutive throughout each volume


Eye-catching cover and glossy paper

Pictures, photos and illustrations in full color

Each issue starts with page 1


Cover depicts industrial theme or setting; glossy paper

Pictures, photos and illustrations in color

Each issue starts with page 1


Academics and professionals

General public

Members of a specific business, industry or organization


Experts or specialists, professors or researchers. Unpaid.

Journalists, staff or freelance writers. may be unsigned. Paid.

Staff writers, industry specialists, or vendor representatives. Paid.

Editorial Review

Editorial board and peer reviewers. Unpaid.

Professional editors. Paid.

Professional editors. Paid.

References / Works Cited

Almost always





Reports of results of research projects, essays, methodology and theory, reviews of academic books

Popular culture, personalities, news, and general interest

Industry trends, new products or techniques, advice, first-hand reports of practical experiences, organizational news


few or none


moderate, most are trade related

  • American Journal of Enology and Viticulture
  • Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
  • Food Culture and Society
  • International Journal of Hospitality Management
  • Journal of Culinary Science & Technology
  • Gourmet
  • Prevention Magazine
  • Rolling Stone
  • Sports Illustrated
  • Vegetarian Times
  • Candy Industry
  • Chef Magazine
  • Fruit Gardener
  • National Provisioner
  • Nations Restaurant News
  • Wines & Vines
     Sample Journal       
   Journal of Food Science and Technology      


               Bon Appétit                            

            Food Management                   

Stated Purpose 

"Publishes peer reviewed research papers in... science, technology, packaging, and engineering of foods.... Special emphasis is given to fundamental and applied research...."

"Offers 'life through the lens of food' — cooking in, dining out, culture, travel, entertainment, shopping and design."

"Provides ideas for foodservice directors, managers and chefs through coverage of industry issues and events, operational topics and food trends that affect the noncommercial foodservice industry."

Sample Article Title

"Optimization of the production of shrimp waste protein hydrolysate using microbial proteases adopting response surface methodology"

"In search of the perfect meatball"

"UCLA hospitals go to antibiotic-free meats"

Adapted from Scholarly and Popular Materials by NCSU Libraries and 

Popular Magazines vs. Trade Magazines vs. Scholarly Journals by Colorado State University Libraries.

The CIA Library subscribes to a variety of academic and trade journals:

To search or browse the list of other journals with full-text available in our databases, use the A-Z Journal Finder.


Research Tools are available within the Databases to help organize and improve your research.

You have the option to create accounts in each of the library databases and enable a variety of tools and services.

Features typically include:

  • Save & Organize Documents in folders
  • Share folders with other users
  • Save and re-run searches
  • Access folders and search history from any computer
  • Set up Search alerts and RSS feeds
  • Customize interface and search settings

Links and instructions to create accounts:

​Advanced Search Tips

  • Phrase Searches  - Search for complete phrases by enclosing them in quotation marks. Words enclosed in double quotes will appear together in all results exactly as typed, e.g. "culinary science", "fast casual"
  • Truncation & Wildcards *  -  The asterisk ('*') matches non-space characters, starting at the specified position in the word. For example, "farm*" will match "farm", "farmer", "farmed", "farming", "farmworker", "farmhouse", etc.
  • Boolean Operators - Use AND or OR to specify multiple words in any field, any order. Use AND NOT to exclude words.

stocks AND sauces {search results must have both terms}

stocks OR sauces {must have at least one of the terms}

stocks NOT sauces {must have first term and must not include second term}​

  • Use the Database Tools to Email, Save & Cite articles.


Gale Business: Insights Tutorial - For Higher Ed Users

JSTOR offers a guide on Research Basics 

Searching Tips:

  • Use the drop-down menu box to select full-text or item title field.
  • Select an Access Type: 
    • Read and Download for full-text available to the CIA Library or
    • All Content to search the entire JSTOR database for citations to articles you can request thru Interlibrary Loan.
  • Narrow by:
    • Item Type: typically, select articles
    • Date
  • Filter by Disciplines, select one or more subject areas.

For more detailed information, check this video.


The Culinary Institute of America | Conrad N. Hilton Library | 1946 Campus Drive | Hyde Park, NY 12538-1430
Telephone: 845-451-1747 | Email: