The Teaching Garden is located behind Rosenthal. The space is both a vegetable/fruit garden and a classroom and, by nature, an experimental space. Classes led by BPS faculty Maureen Costura, Beth Forrest, Anne Henry, Doug Miller, Deirdre Murphy, Cameron Rabe, and Willa Zhen all planted gardens that supported their courses. These ranged from a medieval humoral garden, a garden for the Innovation Kitchen, and a Native American Three Sisters garden—among others.
The garden has produced figs and raspberries, teosinte (ancient ancestor of the corn we now feed to cattle and eat ourselves), emmer wheat, and bolted lettuce have developed seeds that Maureen is collecting for the next growing season. Potatoes were harvested and Deirdre used this as a way of bringing a sense of immediacy to the histories of the Columbian Exchange and Irish immigration.
We continue to explore new designs and additions. We welcome your thoughts and visits to the Teaching Garden as it continues to evolve and become a unique outdoor classroom environment for the campus. ~ excerpted from text by Dean Denise Bauer & Prof. Deirdre Murphy.
Below are the proposal presentations for the Teaching Garden Project conducted by students in Professor Maureen Costura's APFS 400 Project in Applied Food Studies class. They are best viewed in full screen.
On the right are photos of the class working on the installation of the project.
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