Multidisciplinary - Humanities, Social Sciences, Economics
ProQuest Central Essentials provides comprehensive, full-text, periodical coverage from 12 complete ProQuest databases, including Research Library and US Newsstream.
Food Studies
Food History - A Bibliography
On-line resource providing a growing data base of bibliographic materials for researchers in the field of food history and, more generally, food studies.from the European Institute for Food Culture and History, ​citations only
Academic journals and professional & popular magazines on all aspects of cooking and nutrition. The database includes searchable recipes, restaurant reviews, and industry information.
This database offers full-text coverage for more than 1,400 publications, including journals, magazines, and trade publications, dealing with food industry-related issues. More than 1,000 key food industry and market reports are available.
Current, authoritative periodical content that spans the industry from practical aspects of farming to cutting-edge scientific research in horticulture.
The Environmental Studies & Policy Collection is a digital resource that answers inquiries about environmental concerns with coverage of more than 5.4 million articles from more than 300 journals and book reference content from Delmar, including Soil, Science, and Management; Introduction to Agronomy; Food, Crops, & Environment; Fundamental Soil Science; and more.
Offers researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.
A scholarly journal publishes authoritative research articles by academics or experts in a discipline.
The articles often undergo peer-review, that is they are evaluated by other experts before publication.
For more on the different types of periodicals see this chart:
Scholarly Journals v. Popular Magazines v. Trade Journals
1. Select Peer-Reviewed or Scholarly when you search
Omnivore ArticleSearch, and most databases, have a button to check when you search or limit/filter your search results.
Omnivore Articles screenshots
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2. Confirm that it is a Research Article
Limiting your search results to articles published in peer reviewed scholarly journals is the first step.
Scholarly Journals include other types of documents, such as essays, literature reviews, book reviews, commentary, letters to the editor, announcements, etc. So...
How do I know if it is a research article?
A research article reports the original work of a scholar and will present evidence and conclusions.
Read the Abstract (summary of the article) or Introduction (first paragraph) to identify the type of article and the topics covered.
A research article must have:
If the article you need is not available in full-text from the CIA Library, you can request it via Interlibrary Loan (ILL), a free service for CIA students, faculty and staff. Learn more about ILL.
Use Omnivore ArticleSearch to discover articles; click the button and fill out the form (screenshot)
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