The Grader Report in Moodle collects and displays grades from various assessed items within a course. Key features include:
Single View by Student will give you a list of all of the assignment grades for that particular student. You can grant overrides and give feedback on every assignment.
Single View by Grade Item will give you a list of all the student grades for a particular assignment.
If an assignment requires the student to submit items to Moodle, you can grade the assignment by clicking on Grade on the Assignment Activity Page.
From here you can view the student assignment, enter a grade, give feedback, and move to the next submission.
Click either Save Changes or Save and Show Next button.
You are required to submit your class's final grades.
On the right sidebar, click the Final Grades link.
Populate the final grade using the drop down menu and make any necessary corrections to grades, and then click the Submit button.
Select the Submit button.
If you want to change a grade after submitting it to the registrar, you must submit a grade change form.
1. Download the Grade or Absence Correction below.
2. Complete the form.
3. Email the form to Chet Koulik or the CIA registrar
Here is a Comprehensive Gradebook Training course we have created at the CETL. You are able to self-enroll in this course and go through it at your own pace. Feel free to email the CETL if you have any questions or would like to discuss the gradebook in your course.
Directions to Self-enroll
Finding an Assignment Easily When You Need to Grade
The Culinary Institute of America | Conrad N. Hilton Library | 1946 Campus Drive | Hyde Park, NY 12538-1430
Telephone: 845-451-1747 | Email: