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Moodle Help Guide

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Course Main Menu

  • The Course Main Menu is where you will access your course settings, list of students or participants, student grades, and Course Reuse
  • Using the Course Reuse, under More, you will be able to create a backup, import, or restore a course.

Moodle Course Main Menu

You can access the following from the Course Main Menu:

Settings: These settings pertain to the look and feel of your course. From here, you can change the course layout to show all topics on one page and show or hide the course.

Participants: view a list of your students.

Grades: access the Grader Report as well as Gradebook Setup.

Reports: access the Activity Completion report and several other reports.

More: This drop-down menu provides access to the Question Bank, Activity Completion, and Course Reuse.

Navigating Your Course - Through the Central Section


Scroll down the central section to see all topics, activities, and resources. This is an easy way to see what is in your course and make additions.


Navigating course


select Move from contextual menu


Moodle 101 - Navigating Your Course Through the Left Menu

  • You can use the left sidebar to navigate through the course.
  • All topics, activities, and resources are clickable links.
  • You can rearrange the order of content and activities using the left sidebar.
  • Students and instructors can collapse the left sidebar when not being used.
  • Topics are collapsible.

Both the left and right sidebars are collapsible, which will help reduce extraneous material when discussing a topic or an assignment.

The "turn editing on" function is no longer a button but a switch labeled Edit Mode. The course menu is directly below the title. Here, you will find the settings for your course and a listing of participants. Under the heading More, you will find the Course Reuse option.

Course Quick Navigation

The Course Quick Navigation Sidebar can be useful for quickly moving to any element within a course. The course content is broken down into an outline format, and students can quickly click on links to each content element. 

Moodle Course Main Page Image 3

On the right sidebar, you will find links to report final grades and daily attendance. Directly below the daily attendance link is a link where students can check their attendance record.


Announcements are at the top of the central section. Only teachers can post these. By default, everyone is subscribed to the announcements.

Announcements can be used for a variety of purposes:

  • Welcome students to the start of a new semester.
  • Send reminders of important due dates.
  • Quickly communicate an update to your class or content.

To Send an Announcement

Step 1

Click on the Add a discussion topic button.

Sending an announcement to your class


Step 2

Add the Subject Name, Complete the Message, and click Post to Forum.
Note: clicking Advanced will open a space for you to attach files to messages

Give your announcement a subject and then compose your message.


Moving an Activity, Resource, or Topic

Step 1

Turn Edit Mode on.

Turn Edit Mode on.

Step 2

To the far right of the item, you will see the icon (). Click on this icon to view the context menu.

select Move from contextual menu

Step 3

Click on a link to move the new topic underneath the topic.

Click on the topic link of where you want to move the topic.

Moving an Activity

Click on a topic to view its activities and then click on a resource to move your selected resource directly below it.


Drag and Drop an Activity or Resource

Hover over an activity or resource to highlight it, and your cursor will change to (). Then, you can click on the topic and drag and drop the topic, activity, or resource.

The color of the shapre outline in Moodle will change to green and a cosshair will be present.

Editing Dates in an Assignment

As you prepare your new course, it is crucial to check the availability dates of each Moodle Assignment, as this sets the timeline for your work. 

Allow submission from date (i.e., open the assignment)

The assignment opens to the class, and students can submit their work.

Due Date

This is the expected time students will submit their work. The assignment can be submitted after the due date but will be marked late. ]

Cut-off date

An assignment cannot be submitted past the cut-off date. 

Adjust each type of date under Availability in an Assignment.


Editing Dates in a Discussion

You can set the Due Date and Cut-off Date in a discussion.


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