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Importing and Exporting Questions 

Exporting a Question Bank

When you create a backup, the option “include question bank” must be selected in the first page of preferences in order for all quiz activities to be included in the backup.

When “include question bank” is selected, all course-level question bank categories are included.

Questions aved in the course are only available for that particular course, questios saved in the category are only available to courses within that category, questions in the system are available to everyone.

Importing Questions

Step 1

Select Question Bank from the Moodle Course menu.

Select Question Bank from the Moodle Course Page.

Step 2

Click Import from the drop-down menu.

Step 3

Click here to read more about the different quiz file formats.

Choose the file format to import.

Step 4

A message will appear indicating the Moodle has imported all of the questions. Scroll to the bottom of this page and select Continue.

Scoll to the bottom and click Continue

Exporting a Question Bank

Step 1

Click Export in the Quiz Dropdown menu.

Step 2

Choose the file format to save. Moodle XML format is useful for exporting and importing questions. Choose the Question Bank Category you wish to export. If your questions are in more than one category, you will have to move them into one category.

Step 3

Click Export questions to file.

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Adding a Grade Override to a Quiz

You can use an override to change the dates, timing, and number of allowed attempts for individual students or groups of students in quizzes or assignments. For example, if you have a student who requires extended time on a quiz or if a student requires an extension on an assignment.

setting up a User Override

1. Navigate to the Quiz and select More > Overrides from the Quiz Main Menu.

User Override

2. Select Add User Override.

Select Add User Override

3. Search for the student and fill out the override information.

Select the student for the User Override.

4. Click Save or Save and enter another Override.

Click Save

Safe Exam Browser

Feel free to test the Safe Exam Browser and use any of the languages in your Quiz provided in the e following Safe Exam Browser Sandbox Course. 

The Safe Exam Browser (SEB) is a customized browse available for Windows (7, 8.1, and 10), MAC OS (10.7 or newer), and iOS (9.3.5 or newer). The browser must be downloaded and installed on the student’s device to access the quiz using the Safe Exam Browser.

SEB Preference in Quiz Settings

Capabilities of the Safe Exam Browser

  • Students can only attempt the quiz using an installed SEB.
  • The Student SEB does not have a navigation toolbar, and there is no forward or backward button.   
  • The SEB window can only be closed once the Exam is completed.
  • Students cannot switch to other applications on their computers unless specified.
  • Short-cut keys are disabled.
  • The ability to take a screenshot is disabled.
  • The clipboard is cleared when starting and quitting the SEB

Step 1

In Quiz settings, open up the Safe Exam Browser Preferences and set Require the use of the Safe Exam Browser to Yes – configure manually.

Set Require the use of Safe Exam Browser to Yes.

Step 2

Set the option, Show Safe Exam Browser Download Button, to Yes.

Show Safe Exam Browser Button

Student View of Download Safe Exam Browser Button

SEB Download Button

Always show the Safe Exam Browser Download button. Students will have to download the browser to access the quiz. You can also add instructions and a link to download the browser in the course syllabus or course guide.

Step 3

Configure SEB preferences. Read over each preference carefully and make the necessary adjustments:

Show Exit Safe Exam Browser button, configured with this quit linkSEB Preferences
The URL (e.g., you include here will be linked to from the Exit Safe Exam Browser button on the page that appears after the exam is submitted.

If you include a URL, you can copy and paste it directly from the browser address bar.

Ask User to Confirm Quitting
When students quit the SEB, they will be presented with a pop-up confirming they wish to quit the SEB.

Enable Quitting of SEB
Set this to “Yes.” If this is set to “No.” students will not be able to exit the SEB even when finished with the quiz.

Quit Password
Enter a password that a student will have to use to quit the SEB. If no password is set, the user will be prompted, “Are you sure you want to quit SEB” when they exit.

Enable Reload on Exam
If set to “Yes,” the student can reload the exam in the SEB.

Show SEB Taskbar
If enabled, the student can open a taskbar at the bottom of the SEB window. The taskbar must be enabled to display the Wi-Fi controls, reload button, time, and keyboard layout.

Show Reload Button
If enabled, the student can reload the SEB browser window by clicking on the reload link in the taskbar.

Show Time
If enabled, the current time is displayed in the taskbar in the SEB.

Show Keyboard Layout
If enabled, the keyboard layout is shown in the taskbar. This will allow the student to switch between multiple keyboard layouts enabled on their operating system.

Show Wi-Fi Controls
The Wi-Fi control button is shown in the taskbar. This will allow students to reconnect to the Wi-Fi.

Enable Audio Controls
The audio icon will appear in the taskbar. If the quiz uses audio or video, enable this setting so the student can adjust the sound.

Enable Spellchecking
Students can spellcheck their quiz answers.

Enable URL Filtering
You can allow access to different URLs through the SEB. If you are referencing a webpage in a question, you must include that URL in the expressions allowed text box.

Student Guide to Completing a SEB Quiz

Familiarize yourself with the instructions and student view of the SEB Quiz by reviewing this guide for students. If you use a SEB Quiz in your course, please attach this guide to students to review.

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Quiz Reporting Features

Why use Quiz Reporting Features?

  • To assess student performance and understanding: The quiz reports provide detailed insights into how students performed on quiz questions, allowing instructors to identify areas where students may need additional support or clarification. The reports show individual student scores, class averages, and question-level analytics.
  • To analyze question effectiveness: By reviewing the quiz reports, instructors can evaluate the effectiveness of individual questions and identify any problematic or confusing items. This helps refine assessments for future use.
  • The comprehensive quiz reporting capabilities in Moodle enable instructors to evaluate learning outcomes, refine assessments, monitor student progress, provide targeted feedback, and uphold academic standards.

How can Quiz Reporting Features Help to Improve Student Learning?

Identifying Knowledge Gaps 

By analyzing the quiz reports, instructors can pinpoint specific questions or topics where students struggled the most. This allows them to identify knowledge gaps and areas that require additional instruction, clarification, or review.

Evaluate Question Effectiveness

The quiz reports provide detailed statistics on how students performed on each question, including the percentage of correct responses and common wrong answers. Instructors can use this data to evaluate the effectiveness of their assessment questions and refine or replace questions that may have been confusing or poorly designed.

Measure the Quality of the Questions

Analyze the discrimination index and discrimination efficiency for each question to assess its quality and ability to differentiate between high and low-performing students. Questions with poor discrimination values may need to be revised or replaced

Reviewing Statistics of a Quiz

You can quickly review the average grade for all users on different quiz attempts and the Standard Deviation for the quiz grades. 

Step 1

Open the Quiz on the Course Main Page and Click on Results.


Step 2

Click Statistics to access a list of statistics to help you understand the class and student performance.


Step 3

Pay attention to the Average Grades and the Standard Deviation.  Standard Deviation can help determine the variability of the quiz scores. A low score signifies that data points tend to be around the mean.   A high standard deviation score indicates they are more spread out from the mean.


Quiz Structure Analysis

Deleting a Quiz Attempt

You can delete a quiz attempt in the Quiz Grade and Review pages.

In the Review Page

Select each user’s attempt, and then Click Delete Selected Attempts.

Printing a Quiz in Moodle

Step 1

Click inside the Quiz and then click Questions.

Step 2

Repaginate your questions to 1 page.


Step 2

Preview the Quiz as a student and all of the questions will appear on 1 page.


Step 3

Press Ctrl-P on your keyboard, and a Print Window will pop-up.  Select the Destination, and then Click Print.

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