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Backing Up Your Course

  1. From the Course Navigation bar, select More > Course Reuse.

2. Select Backup from the drop down menu.

Select Backup from the drop down menu.

2. Confirm the Initial Settings, and then click either Jump to Final Step or Next.

Note. Jump to Final Step backup the entire course and then take you directly to the page to download the backup file.

Selecting Next will take your to the Schema Settings page where you can select what is backed up.

Jump to final step.

3. After the Backup is created you will be directed to the Backup Import page. If you scroll down to the User Private Backup Area you will be able to download the backup file.

Restoring Your Course

Once you have backed your course up you will need to Restore it. Follow the steps below to Restore your course:

Step 1:

From the drop down menu, select Restore.

From drop down menu, select Restore.


Step 2:

Either drag and drop the backup file to add them or select “Choose a file…” and select the backup file. Then, select Restore.

Step 3

You will confirm the initial backup settings on this page. You can scroll down and select Continue.

Confirm initial setting


Step 4

Scroll all the way to the bottom of the screen and hit Continue.

Scroll to the bottom of page and click "Continue."


Step 5

Scroll to the heading Restore into this course, select the radio button "Merge the backup course into this course.", and then hit "Continue."

Scroll to Restore into this course, select merge backup into this course, and hit continue.

Step 6

Scroll to the bottom and hit "Next."

scroll to the bottom and click next.

Step 7

This page is where you can select what to import and what not to import. Leave everything checked off if you are importing to a black shell.

 Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click "next."

Step 8

Scroll to the bottom of this page and click "Perform restore."

scroll down the page and hit Perform Restore.

Step 9

Once you click "Perform restore" the course will begin importing. 

Importing a Moodle Course

Importing just one specific Moodle Content Item

Step 1

Select More and Course Reuse on the Course Main Menu.

Step 2

 Choose Import from the drop down menu.

Choose Import from the drop down menu

Step 3

If the course is not visible, you can use the Course Code (e.g. MGMT-100-CLP1) and click Search.  Do not search by the full course name.


Step 4

After you click search the list will repopulate. Select the radio dial of the course, and then hit Continue.

From here, you can select Jump to final step to import the entire course into the blank shell.  Click Next to view the Schema settings.

Clicking Next

If you click Next, the remainder of the steps are identical to restoring a course. 

Importing Specific Moodle Content into a Course

What do you do if you don't want to import an entire course, but want to import a select item or items? 

Step 1

On the initial settings page select "Next."


Step 2

On the Schema Settings page, first click None, and then find the item you want to import. Press Ctrl-F to open a search box at the bottom of the browser window to search for the Item.

Step 3

Once you have located the activity or resource, select the checkbox next to it and the topic where the item is located. Next, click Next at the bottom of the screen


Step 4

After you verify your items have been selected, click Perform import at the bottom of the screen.

After you have imported the item into your course you will have to locate it in a topic (use Ctrl-F to quickly locate it) and then move it to the desired location.


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