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Moodle Guide

The development of this guide is ongoing; we will continue adding Moodle LMS Tips, Guides, and Instructions. On the left-hand sidebar, you will find a list of Moodle LMS features or options. To learn more about that option or feature, click on the link.

Adding and Edit Images in Moodle

Visual elements play a crucial role in enhancing the learning experience. Images, in particular, are a powerful tool that can captivate learners' attention, reinforce key concepts, and make the course content more engaging and memorable.

Why Use Images in a Course?

  • Enhance Comprehension: A well-chosen image can simplify complex ideas or processes, making them easier to understand. Visual representations can help learners grasp abstract concepts more effectively and reinforce the information being taught.
  • Increase Engagement: Images can break up text-heavy content and add visual interest, preventing learners from becoming dis
  • engaged or overwhelmed. Visually appealing images can capture learners' attention and motivate them to continue exploring the course material.
  • Support Diverse Learning Styles: While some learners thrive on text-based materials, others are more responsive to visual aids. Incorporating images caters to different learning preferences, ensuring that a wider range of learners can effectively absorb and retain the information.
  • Improve Retention and Recall: Our brains are wired to process and remember visual information more effectively than text alone. By pairing text with relevant images, learners are more likely to store the information in their long-term memory, enhancing their ability to recall and apply the knowledge.
  • Provide Context and Clarity: Images can provide valuable context and clarity to the subject matter. For example, diagrams can illustrate relationships between components, photographs can depict real-world scenarios, and charts can visualize data and trends more effectively than text descriptions alone.

Tips for using Images from Open LMS

Decide where you want to place the image in the Moodle Course Shell. To add a visible image to your Moodle course you need to use a Textbox area. Here are some common places where you can add an image: 

  • Topic Summary 
  • Assignment Description 
  • Reference Description
  • Feedback on a Quiz Question
  • Moodle Text area 
  • Moodle Books

Step 1

Click on the image icon in the textbox toolbar.


Step 2

Click on Browse repositories.


Step 3

Locate the image, select it, and select Open.

Step 4

Click Choose File, locate it, and select Upload this file. Then click Upload this file.

Step 5

Add alternative text. Describe the image. If it is decorative, check the box to bypass the screen reader. If Auto size is checked, the image will be responsive and resize if necessary. Open LMS recommends resizing the image in an editor, not directly in Moodle. If there is text with the image. Think about right alignment or left alignment. Once you have finished editing image properties, click Save Image.

Step 6

Now you are free to write any content in the text area. You can double-click on the image to edit it. Click, Save Changes, to return to the course main page.

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