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Moodle Guide

The development of this guide is ongoing; we will continue adding Moodle LMS Tips, Guides, and Instructions. On the left-hand sidebar, you will find a list of Moodle LMS features or options. To learn more about that option or feature, click on the link.

Using the Text Editor

Using the Text Editor

The Atto text editor (sometimes referred to as the 'HTML editor') has many icons to assist the user in entering content. Many of these icons and functions should be familiar to anyone who uses a word processor. This text editor was built especially for Moodle, and you will find it in many of the activities and resources.

Text editor in Moodle

Text Editor Features

Image Copy and Paste

You can copy images from anywhere and then post them directly into the Text Editor.

Image Drag and Drop

If your browser allows it you can drag and drop images into the Text Editor.

Text Editor Keyboard Shortcuts

Windows Command Mac Command Function
Ctrl + c ⌘ + c Copy
Ctrl + v ⌘ + v Paste
Ctrl + Shift + v ⌘ + Shift + v Paste without formatting (very useful)
Ctrl + x ⌘ + x Cut
Ctrl + z ⌘ + z Undo (careful - can undo a lot of text and doesn't always work)
Ctrl + y ⌘ + y Redo
Ctrl + a ⌘ + a Select all
Double-click Double-click Select word
Triple-click Triple-click Select line
Ctrl + f ⌘ + f Find on page
F3 F3 Find next
Shift + F3 Shift + F3 Find previous
Ctrl + b ⌘ + b Bold
Ctrl + i ⌘ + i Italics
Ctrl + u ⌘ + u Underline
Ctrl + k ⌘ + k Insert/edit link
Ctrl + Right arrow ⌘ + Right arrow Move to the end of the next word
Ctrl + Left arrow ⌘ + Left arrow Move to the end of the previous word
Ctrl + Shift + Right arrow ⌘ + Shift + Right arrow Select the next word or letter
Ctrl + Shift + Left arrow ⌘ + Shift + Left arrow Select the previous word or letter
Ctrl + Shift + Home + Shift + Home Select from the cursor to the beginning of the page
Ctrl + Shift + End + Shift + End Select from the cursor to the end of the page
Ctrl + Home ⌘ + Home Move to the beginning of the page
Ctrl + End ⌘ + End Move to the end of the page
Ctrl + Backspace ⌘ + Backspace Delete word or letter to the left
Ctrl + Delete ⌘ + Delete Delete word or letter to the right
Ctrl and + ⌘ and + Zoom in (not specific to the editor, but very useful)
Ctrl and - ⌘ and - Zoom out (not specific to the editor, but very useful)
Ctrl and 0 ⌘ and 0 Reset zoom (not specific to the editor, but very useful)

Source: Jason 1keddie, Royal Roads University (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike)


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