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Moodle Guide

The development of this guide is ongoing; we will continue adding Moodle LMS Tips, Guides, and Instructions. On the left-hand sidebar, you will find a list of Moodle LMS features or options. To learn more about that option or feature, click on the link.

Finding your Moodle Course

You can access your courses from the CIA Faculty Tool Kit and tell which courses are hidden and visible to students.

Step 1

You will first log into the CIA Main Menu.

CIA Main Menu

Step 2

Click on the Faculty Toolkit on the Main Menu

Step 3

You courses will appear under My Classes.

Logging into Moodle

Moodle can be accessed directly at  or you can access it from the CIA Main Menu. To access Moodle from the Main Menu follow these steps:

Step 1

On the CIA Main Menu page select your campus faculty toolkit.


Step 2

On your Faculty Toolkit page, select Moodle.


Step 3

Enter your CIA Username (first initial_last name) and Password and press Log in.

Note: You can use the same CIA Username and Password for both Moodle Production and Moodle Sandbox.

Editing Your Profile

You will use Moodle throughout your time at the CIA, and your students will expect you to be comfortable with the system. What better way to show you are comfortable using Moodle than to set your profile image and description in Moodle? 

This should be one of the first things you do!

Step 1

Click on your Initials dropdown menu, then click on Profile.


Step 2

This is your Moodle Profile Page. Every Moodle user has a profile page. Under User details, click on Edit Profile.


Step 3

You will find a description area further down on the page. Here, you can write a few sentences about yourself. In the next section, you will see a place to upload your user picture. After you complete editing your profile, click Update profile.


Notifications will alert students and teachers to events inside your Moodle course. You can set up alerts for assignment dates, updated feedback, quiz submissions, and more.

Some notifications you might want to enable include: 

  • Assignment notifications
  • Feedback Reminders 
  • Subscribed Open Forum posts
  • Notification of your students' quiz submissions

Changing Your Notifications

Step 1

In your profile dropdown menu, click on preferences.


Step 2

Select Notification under the user account.


Step 3

Web notifications alarm and Activity Stream. If you click the Gear Icon, you will be able to specify an email address. You can receive notifications in your Activity Stream, on the Web, and through email.

Navigating Your Course

  • Students and instructors can use the left sidebar to navigate through the course. All topics, activities, and resources are clickable links. Instructors can also rearrange the order of content and activities using the left sidebar.
  • Students and instructors can collapse the left sidebar when not being used.
  • Topics are collapsible.

Both the left and right side bar are collapsible which will help reduce extraneous material when engaging in a topic or an assignment. The "turn editing on" function is no longer a button but it is a switch labeled Edit Mode. The course menu is directly below the title. Here you will find the settings for your course, a listing of participants. Under the heading More, you will find the Course Reuse option.

Course Quick Navigation

The Course Quick Navigation is new to Moodle 4.1 and it can be useful to quickly navigate to any element within a course. The course content will be broken down into an outline format, and students will be able to quickly click to links to each content element. The Course Quick Navigation will build links for topics, labels, activities, and resources.

Moodle Course Main Page Image 3

On the right sidebar, you will find links to report final grades and daily attendance. Directly below the daily attendance link is a link where students can check their attendance record.


Course Main Menu

  • The Course Main Menu is where you will access your course settings, list of students or participants, student grades, and Course Reuse
  • Using the Course Reuse, under More, you will be able to create a backup, import, or restore a course.

Moodle Course Main Menu


You are able to access the following from the Course Main Menu:

Settings: these settings pertain to the look and feel of your course. From here you can change the course layout to show all topics on one page as well as show or hide the course.

Participants: view a list of your students.

Grades: access the Grader Report as well as Gradebook Setup.

Reports: access the Activity Completion report and several other reports.

More: In this drop-down menu you will find access to the Question Bank, Activity Completion, and Course Reuse.



There are a variety of different way’s you can communicate with your students.

This forum is automatically created in a new course. By default, it is placed at the top of the central section, and only teachers and users with appropriate permissions (by default teachers) can post in it. The forum has forced subscription set by default.

Announcements can be used for a variety of different purposes in your course:

  • Introduce students to the start of a new semester in your class.
  • Send reminders of important due dates or projects.
  • Quickly communicate an update to your class or content.

To Send an Announcement

Step 1

Click on the Add a discussion topic button.

Sending an announcement to your class

Step 2

Add the Subject Name, Complete the Message, and click Post to Forum.
Note: clicking Advanced will open a space for you to attach files to messages.

Give your announcement a subject and then compose your message.

Removing Announcements

Announcements may be removed from a course as follows:

  1. In Course settings set "Number of announcements" to 0
  2. Delete Announcements from the course homepage
  3. Delete the Latest announcements block
  4. Alternatively - hide the Announcements forum

(To restore Announcements set the "Number of announcements" to a number greater than 0.)

Adding Activities and Resources

An activity is a general name for a group of features in a Moodle course. Usually, an activity is something that a student will do that interacts with other students and or the teacher.

In Moodle terminology, an Activity, such as Forums or Quizzes, properly means something students can contribute to directly, and is often contrasted to a Resource such as a File or Page, which is presented by the teacher to them. However, the term activity is sometimes for convenience also used to refer to both Activities and Resources as a group.

Step 1

From Course Main Page, click on Turn on Editing.

Turn Editing Switch On.

Step 2

Scroll to a Topic where you would like to add the activity or resource and click on the Add an Activity or Resource link at the bottom of the topic.

You will see the Add an Activity or Resource link at the end of every topic in your course. When you hover over the link it will be highlighted.

Add an Activity or Resource link.

Step 3

Select an Activity or Resource from the Pop-up Window.

  • Resources are highlighted with a blue background (e.g. Moodle Book, File, Folder, Label, etc.).
  • Collaborative exercises are highlighted with a red background (e.g. glossary, forum, group choice, etc.).
  • Single Person activities are highlighted with a pink or magenta background (e.g. assignment, workshop, and quiz).
  • Third-Party activities are highlighted with no background (e.g. Kaltura, Kaltura Video Presentation, and Turn It In).


Activity and Resource Pop-up Window.

For more information regarding specific activities or resources, visit the Types of Activities and Types of Resources pages in this guide.



Moving an Activity, Resource, or Topic

Step 1

Turn Edit Mode on.

Turn Edit Mode on.

Step 2

To the far right of the item, you will see the icon (). Click on this icon to view the context menu.

select Move from contextual menu

Step 3

Moving a Topic

Click on a link to move the new topic underneath the topic.

Click on the topic link of where you want to move the topic.

Moving an Activity

Click on a topic to view its activities and then click on a resource to move your selected resource directly below it.

Drag and Drop an Activity or Resource

Hover over an activity or resource, to highlight it, and then your cursor will change to (). Then, you can click on the topic and drag and drop the topic, activity, or resource.

The color of the shapre outline in Moodle will change to green and a cosshair will be present.



Choosing a Course Format

You can change how the topics are displayed in your course through Course Settings.

Step 1

Click Settings under the course main menu.


Step 2

Under Settings and Course Format, you can toggle the drop-down under Course Layout.


Course showing all sections on one page

The course's main page is long and scrollable, each topic is open, and the Topic Summary is visible. A student can toggle the visibility to the topic summary.


Course showing One-section Per Page

Each topic is a link that leads to the resources and assignments. The student can quickly see what is in the topic.

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