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Moodle Guide

The development of this guide is ongoing; we will continue adding Moodle LMS Tips, Guides, and Instructions. On the left-hand sidebar, you will find a list of Moodle LMS features or options. To learn more about that option or feature, click on the link.

Backing Up Your Moodle Course

Backup: You create a copy of the course (backup file).

Download and Share: You can download a backup file and share it with another faculty or staff.

Restore: You can use a backup file to fully restore a course shell.

Backing Up Your Course

  1. From the Course Navigation bar, select More > Course Reuse.

2. Select Backup from the drop down menu.

Select Backup from the drop down menu.

2. Confirm the Initial Settings, and then click either Jump to Final Step or Next.

Note. Jump to Final Step backup the entire course and then take you directly to the page to download the backup file.

Selecting Next will take your to the Schema Settings page where you can select what is backed up.

Jump to final step.

3. After the Backup is created you will be directed to the Backup Import page. If you scroll down to the User Private Backup Area you will be able to download the backup file.

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